Monday, November 12, 2012

This and That

I started this blog weeks and weeks ago, and haven't even updated it! I haven't designed it or anything because I rarely get on the computer. I need to do that though. I have had plenty to write, just not as much time.
We always seem to have something going on, then on the weekends when we finally have some down time, I like to be lazy! Although that rarely happens because I always find something I could be doing. Gavin starts school this week!! His big meeting is tomorrow. There, we will find out who his teacher will be, etc. I am so excited for him. Whenever we go to the school for Kellen, Gavin throws a fit when we have to leave. He LOVES to learn and is such a problem solver. He loves being involved so much. He is going to love school just like Kellen.
It's funny because on my Facebook my cousin Lisha said, "You're really going to freak when they graduate" it made me smile and get to thinking....originally it was my plan to have more kids. Gavin wasn't planned, but we knew we wanted more and weren't complete after Kellen was born. Gavin was a surprise, yet couldn't have been born at the more perfect time. When Kellen was born, as much as I thought it would be impossible to love another child as much as I did him, Gavin pretty much completed me. When Kellen was born, I didn't have the sense of completion like I do now that I have them both. I probably won't have anymore kids unless I change my mind in the distant future. So, my point being, I got to thinking about what she said. As sad as it is not to have the little babies anymore (I LOVE BABIES), it isn't sad to me to see them grow. It is kind of like turning the page to a new chapter in a book. They are getting older, starting school, learning, growing and experiencing new things, and at the same time, so am I. It's funny how timing works, because I would not change the timing of having the boys for anything in the world. We have spent the last 4 1/2 years together, now they are both going to school and I am doing things for me at the same time. I am so thankful to have had the boys when I did. I am still young and can accomplish SO much, all the while I get to watch and help them grow into beautiful people. I think that their age gap is perfect too, which is another reason I don't think I will have anymore children.
Kellen is doing amazing too. He loves school and is learning a ton! His new favorite game to play is Angry Birds. The kid is so smart, he figures out things we wouldn't have even THOUGHT to teach him. I am SO excited to see what he thinks of Gavin getting to go to school with him.
Joe is loving his new promotion as a LT! He doesn't have holidays off anymore, but he is able to take them if nobody else has requested leave and he got Thanksgiving off!  So we will be taking the boys up to Prescott to celebrate Gavin's birthday and Thanksgiving! My mom is making a lot of the dinner, while I am making a ton of desserts. I know that it is extremely unnecessary to make so much dessert, but I keep running in to darn ideas and don't want to omit any of them haha! So I think I will be giving a lot away :-) I am excited because I absolutely LOVE Thanksgiving.

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